Federal Agencies Supported

Contract vehicle(s)

Spectrum Partners is a DISA DITCO BA participant.

Spectrum Partners is a 1st tier subcontractor on the following contract vehicles:

– GSA MAS Schedule [Asyncrob Corporation]
   54151S Information Technology Professional Services IT Professional Services and/or labor categories

   for database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion and 

   implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing.
– GSA OASIS-SB [KT Consulting]

– US ARMY Global Tactical Advanced Communications Systems (GTACS) II [Trace Systems]



Advanced Information Technology & Security Delivered, Protected and Sustained.

Contact Spectrum Partners: 1.888.880.SPEC (7732) | info@SpectrumPartners.net
FAX: +1.866.728.0534
All rights reserved, all trademarks are property of their respective owners.

© 2008-2024 Spectrum Partners, LLC

Past Performance
City of Philadelphia, PA

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

Department of State (Taiwan)

Federal Reserve Bank

Fort Hood

Fort Knox Ireland Army Community Hospital (IACH)

“Spectrum Partners successfully completed the phase-2 work associated with the 4 to 5 digit telephone extensions. The hospital conversion was the most difficult and work intensive portion of these multi-vendor telephone switch conversion projects.  Spectrum Partners … did a tremendous job and were well prepared for the task.  It was a pleasure working with them.”

Merck & Co., Inc.